Every Door Direct Mail Retail

Are you trying to promote your business or an event? You're trying to reach to new customers? Or are you trying to retain your current customers. We design, print, mail, and deliver to the postal office all for you! So convenient to grow your customer base and increase your sales!

What is Every Door Direct Mail?

Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) is a new program offered by U.S. Postal Service (USPS) to reach nearby neighborhoods for postage as low as 19.1 cents per piece, and you don't even need to know names or street addresses!

Every Door Direct Mail can be used to:

  • Promote new products or services,contests, and giveaways
  • Announce special events, grand openings, and awards
  • Send coupons, promotions, and special offers
  • Share newsletters, articles, tips, and advertisements

Types of Businesses using Every Door Direct Mail

  • Retailers: Auto dealers, restaurants and pizzerias, pharmacies, clothing stores, furniture stores and dealers, flower shops, coffee shops, bakeries, department stores, and more.
  • Service-based businesses: Attorneys, banks, health-care professionals and providers, dry cleaners, home-improvement companies, real estate firms, and more.

If you mail 200 pieces or more, you can potentially save money and get a discounted rate on postage.  With our professional expertise, we can setup your mailers to meet the postal requirements to take advantage of the discounted rates.

We offer direct mail services, including:

  • professional graphic design
  • printing postcards, flyers, brochures, newsletters, catalogs, and more
  • bundling the printed pieces in 50
  • delivering mailing pieces to the postal office

We are now offering two types of direct mail

Direct Mail or Bulk Mail
Every Door Direct Mail (new)
  • Can send your message to a targeted mailing list (by residential, business, consumer, location, type of business, income, age, ethnicity, and more) to better target your market
  • Can go to local post office and mail pieces anywhere in the U.S.
  • Can mail to specific people and businesses that are not close to or in the same carrier route as one another (good for sending to a customer mailing list)

  • Don’t need to purchase a mailing list (no need for names and street addresses)
  • Can target your message by geography (zip code, radius around a specific address, county, state)
  • Save on printing costs (printing addresses or address labels)
  • Lower costs
  • Must purchase or compile a mailing list
  • Higher Cost
  • Must be delivered or shipped to the post office that covers the area you want to reach (the destination of the mailers)
  • All destinations of the mailers must be on the same carrier route
 More about Direct Mail / Bulk Mail
 More about Every Door Direct Mail

Benefits of Every Door Direct Mail Retail


  • No mailing list needed
    You don't have to spend money buying a mailing list or time compiling a mailing list. You simply choose the carrier routes and "Postal Customer" will replace the address.
  • Can mail out bigger pieces for a lower postage rate:
    A commercial flat is bigger than your average postcard, so a bigger piece would be more easily visible and create a higher response rate

  • No need to buy an annual permit
    With Every Door Direct Mail Retail, the need to apply for and purchase an annual permit has been waived.

  • Target Those More Likely to Buy:
    Target by geographical location and the nearby neighborhoods that will enjoy the convenience of going to your retail business

  • Save Time:  
    Share your promotions and advertisements to your customers and prospects even faster by designing, printing, and mailing all in one place.  No need to waste time explaining the same things over to different places.  Avoid sticking on stamps yourself.

  • Save Money:  
    We have a bulk mailing rate used exclusively for our customers, and we presort and prepare your mail according to USPS standards to lower postage costs for you.

  • Gain exposure:
    81% of households say they read or scan their mail daily (2010 Household Diary Study)

  • Increase sales:  
    Online consumers who received a printed catalog from any given retailer were nearly twice as likely to make an online purchase (ComScore survey based on 6,400 responses from online shoppers).  U.S. advertisers spend $167 per person in direct mail marketing to earn $2,095 worth of goods per person, scoring a return on investment of 13 to 1 (Direct Marketing Association).

  • Measure Your Investment:
    With a promotion code or “bring in to redeem” coupon or specific phone number to ask for more details, you can track and analyze results to see how effective direct mailing is on your business and how it can be improved in the future.

  • Portable and Tangible Message:
    Consumers can keep your printed mailers, share them with friends and family, and save them in their purse or refrigerator. Additional stickers, coupons, magnets, and other promotional items are also memorable.

Getting Started

Target Neighborhoods
  • Choose by city, county, zip code (up to 5 zip codes), or radius from a specific address (Ex: address of your store)
  • Choose the carrier routes that you want to mail to at https://eddm.usps.com/eddm/ (use USPS new online tool)
  • Can mail to residential only (omit businesses) or residential and businesses (no option for routes with only businesses)
  • Must mail to all homes within the carrier route (cannot pick and choose which houses or businesses within carrier routes)

Design your Mailer
You want to have an eye-catching piece that is easy to read and has a call to action.  Promotions and discounts are also enticing.
  • Options:  Hire a professional graphic designer, ask a friend, or design your own file
  • File must meet requirements for mailing (size, quantity, indicia on top half of flat piece)
  • Use EMMD Retail permit
      Download Retail Indicia: .eps format | .jpg format
    • Text must be in all caps and minimum 4 point size
    • Place EDDM Retail Permit in upper right hand corner
    • Box must be larger than 0.5" x 0.5"
    • Place at least 1/8" space from top and right edge (safety zone)
    • Place within the area that is 1.625" from the right edge and 1.375" from top edge
  • Mailing address

    Download EDDM address label by right clicking the picture above and then "Save As."
    • For retail entry at a Post Office, use the address “Local Postal Customer”  for all active deliveries (residential and business)
    • If you place your mailer with the short edge on top, the mailing address must be on the “top half” of the mailpiece
    • Orientation of the label (i.e., whether it is applied on the long or short side of the piece) does NOT matter.
    • See examples below:
  • Printing requirements:  file must meet correct requirements for printing (include bleeds, safety zone, CMYK color mode, outlined fonts, etc.)


Commercial Flat
To be eligible for EDDM Retail, the printed piece must be categorized as a commercial flat by USPS (more details here)
  • Common sizes include:
    • 6.5x11
    • 8.5x11
    • 11x17 bi-fold
    • (other eligible sizes for custom quote: 4x12, 6.5x9, 8.5x7)
  • Commercial Flat Requirements include:
    • Long Dimension ("length"): max. 15"
    • Short Dimension ("height"):  max. 12"
    • Thickness:  max 0.75" thick
      (single sheet of 100lb cover, 12pt C2S, 14pt C2S, 16pt C2S papers are all ok)
    • Either longer than 11.5" on long dimension OR longer than 6.125" on short dimension OR greater than 0.25" thickness
    • Weight:  3.3 ounces or less per piece
  • Between 200 (min.) and 5,000 (max.) pieces per post office per day to qualify for Every Door Direct Mail Retail
  • Must be rectangular or square with 4 corners
  • If the mailer has round corners, the corners cannot exceed a 1/8" radius
    (from USPS website)
Additional Finishing Options
  • Some folded pieces or loose pieces may require wafer seals (circular labels to close the piece) so that it can run through the automation machine without opening or jamming the machine.

Mailing Services

  • Selection of mailing area
  • Prepare postal paperwork for single post office
  • Bundle mail pieces in sets of 50, 100, or 200
  • Label each bundle and separate by carrier route
  • Delivery/Shipping Options:
    • You can pickup from us and deliver your printed items to the selected post office that covers the carrier routes you want to reach
      • Free - no additional shipping/delivery costs
      • Customer can pay postage prices directly to the Post Office by cash, check, or debit card. 
    • OR We can ship to you or to the selected post office that covers the area you want to reach
      • Additional shipping costs ($15 flat for delivery to Garden Grove, Santa Ana, and Anaheim post offices))
      • Customer can pay us the postage by cash, a check, or bank account deposit online.  We must receive the entire postage payment to complete the shipping or delivery to the post office.

Choose pricing for:

8.5x11 Postcards(full color 2 sides, 14pt C2S paper)
=Combined Print
and Mail Price
EDDM Retail
Postage Price
 250$198.00 +$68.75=$266.75$47.75
 1,000$275.00 +$80.00 =$355.00$191.00
 1,500$335.00 +$95.50 =$422.50$286.50
 2,000$345.00 + $95.00 =$440.00$382.00
 2,500$405.00 + $102.50 =$507.50$477.50
 3,000$435.00 + $110.00
 3,500$505.00 +$117.50 =$622.50$668.50
 4,000$573.00 +$125.00 =$650.00$764.00
 4,500$579.00 +$132.50 =$711.50859.50
5,000 $598.00 + $140.00 =$738.00$955.00

6.5x11 Postcards (full color 2 sides, 14pt C2S paper)
=Combined Print
and Mail Price
EDDM Retail
Postage Price
 250$179.00  +$68.75  =$247.75$47.75
 500$203.00  +$72.50  =$275.50$95.50
 1,000$248.00  +$80.00  =$328.00$191.00
 1,500$302.00  +$95.50  =$389.00$286.50
 2,000$312.00  +$95.00  =$406.00$382.00
2,500$365.00  +$102.50  =$467.50$477.50
 3,000$392.00 +$110.00  =$502.00$573.00
 3,500$455.00 +$117.50  =$572.50$668.50
 4,000$473.00 +$125.00  =$598.00$764.00
 4,500$522.00 +$132.50  =$654.50859.50
 5,000$539.00 +$140.00  =$679.00$955.00

11x17 Bi-Fold Card Stock Brochure / Newsletter (full color 2 sides, 100lb Gloss Cover paper, scored and folded in half to 8.5x11)
=Combined Print
and Mail Price
EDDM Retail
Postage Price
 250$358.00  + $68.75 =$426.75$47.75
 500$398.00  +$72.50  =$470.50$95.50
1,000$465.00  +$80.00  =$545.00$191.00
 1,500$630.00  +$95.50  =$717.50$286.50
 2,000$655.00  +$95.00  =$750.00$382.00
 2,500$810.00  +$102.50  =$912.50$477.50
 3,000$845.00  +$110.00  =$955.00$573.00
 3,500$695.00  +$117.50  =$1082.50$668.50
 4,000$1029.00  +$125.00  =$1145.00$764.00
 4,500$1155.00  +$132.50  =$1287.50859.50
5,000$1205.00  +$140.00  =$1345.00$955.00

8.5x11 Flyers(full color 2 sides, 100lb Gloss Book paper)
=Combined Print
and Mail Price
EDDM Retail
Postage Price
 250$125.00 + $68.75 =$193.75$47.75
 500$145.00 + $72.50 =$217.50$95.50
 1,000$191.00 + $80.00 =$255.00$191.00
 1,500$260.00 + $95.50 =$347.50$286.50
 2,000$285.00 + $95.00 =$380.00$382.00
 2,500$325.00 + $102.50 =$427.50$477.50
 3,000$335.00 + $110.00 =$445.00$573.00
 3,500$365.00 + $117.50 =$482.50$668.50
 4,000$375.00 + $125.00 =$500.00$764.00
 4,500$415.00 + $132.50 =$547.50859.50
 5,000$435.00 + $140.00 =$575.00$955.00

6.5x11 Flyers(full color 2 sides, 100lb Gloss Book paper)
=Combined Print
and Mail Price
EDDM Retail
Postage Price
 250$113.00  +$68.75  =$181.75$47.75
 500$131.00  +$72.50  =$203.50$95.50
 1,000$158.00 +$80.00  =$238.00$191.00
 1,500$234.00  +$95.50  =$321.50$286.50
 2,000$257.00  +$95.00  =$352.00$382.00
 2,500$293.00  +$102.50  =$395.50$477.50
 3,000$302.00 +$110.00  =$412.00$573.00
 3,500$329.00 +$117.50  =$446.50$668.50
 4,000$338.00 +$125.00  =$463.00$764.00
 4,500$374.00 +$132.50  =$506.50859.50
 5,000$392.00 +$140.00  =$532.00$955.00

11x17 Bi-Fold Card Stock Brochure / Newsletter
(full color 2 sides, 100lb Gloss Cover paper, scored and folded in half to 8.5x11)
=Combined Print
and Mail Price
EDDM Retail
Postage Price
 250$255.00  +$68.75  =$323.75$47.75
 500$285.00  +$72.50  =$357.50$95.50
 1,000$390.00  +$80.00  =$470.00$191.00
 1,500$509.00  +$95.50  =$596.50$286.50
 2,000$523.00  +$95.00 =$618.00$382.00
 2,500$618.00  +$102.50  =$720.50$477.50
 3,000$633.00  +$110.00  =$743.00$573.00
 3,500$728.00  +$117.50  =$845.50$668.50
 4,000$743.00  +$125.00  =$868.00$764.00
 4,500$825.00  +$132.50  =$957.50859.50
5,000$840.00  +$140.00  =$980.00$955.00


Postage Price
$0.175 for each qualifying Every Door Direct Mail Retail piece 

Postage Payment
If the customer delivers the mailers directly to the post office, he/she can pay the Post Office directly by cash, check, or debit card. 
If we deliver the mailers to the post office, customer can pay us by cash, a check, or bank account deposit online.  If customer chooses to pay us with a  credit card instead, there will be a 3% merchant fee for postage costs.

How can you make your direct mailing piece appeal to and attract your audience?
  • Have a professional graphic designer create the design.  Don't speed a ton on direct mail to send people a dinky impression of yourself or your company.  Make your offer stand out with color and size.  Make the most important key points bigger.
  • Write an attractive promotion or offer to grab attention and build interest and build credibility for your organization
  • Target the correct audience.  Determine the demographics of the audience you want to reach (age, income, profession, etc). with this promotion or offer and tailor the written content as well as the graphic design to them.
  • Track the effectiveness of the promotion.  Provide a specific promotion code or ask people to bring in the ad to receive the offer.